Exchange SBP (RUB) to Alipay (CNY)

This direction requires verification of the account SBP RUB


Icon currency take


Amount *

Min:  30000.00


Max:  200000.00

Icon currency take
ФИО отправителя
Icon currency take
Bank Name
Icon currency take


Icon currency give

Alipay CNY

Rate: 13.18781763: 1

Amount *

Reserve:  1744292.13

Alipay account * *
Icon currency take
Account NAME * *
Icon currency take
E-mail * *

How to Top Up Alipay via the SBP RUB

Alipay is one of the largest payment systems in China, used for paying for goods, services, and making transfers. Thanks to the SBP, topping up Alipay from Russia has become quick, convenient, and secure.

What You Need to Top Up Alipay via SBP

1. An Alipay account.

2. A card or account connected to SBP through your bank's mobile app.

3. A reliable exchange service that supports the "SBP → Alipay" direction.

Step-by-Step Guide to Topping Up Alipay via SBP

Step 1: Choose an Exchange Service

Visit a trusted exchange service, such as Ensure it offers the "SBP → Alipay" direction.

Step 2: Create a Request

1. Specify the amount you want to transfer.
2. Enter your Alipay details: phone number or identifier.

Step 3: Transfer Funds via SBP

1. Obtain the transfer details from the exchange service.
2. In your bank’s mobile app, select the SBP transfer option.
3. Enter the amount and confirm the transaction.

Step 4: Wait for the Funds to Be Credited

Funds are usually credited to Alipay within 10–15 minutes. Once the transaction is complete, check your Alipay balance.

Why SBP Is a Convenient Way to Top Up Alipay

Speed. Transfers are processed instantly.

Convenience. All operations are performed through your bank’s mobile app.

Cost Efficiency. Most SBP transfers are commission-free.

Topping up Alipay via SBP is a simple and reliable solution for any need—whether for shopping, traveling, or business. Managing your finances has never been easier!