Exchange Sberbank (RUB) to Alipay (CNY)

This direction requires verification of the account Sberbank RUB

This operation is performed manually.

Applications are processed during service business hours. Applications received outside of business hours are processed in the morning

Deposit time: Usually, 97% of withdrawal payments are processed within 15 minutes, but sometimes applications can take up to 30-60 minutes to process. In rare cases, the transfer may take 72 hours due to the speed at which the recipient bank processes the payment. Sometimes a withdrawal for one application occurs in several transactions.


Icon currency take

Sberbank RUB

Amount *

Min:  30000.00


Max:  200000.00

ФИО отправителя
Icon currency take
Card number
Icon currency take


Icon currency give

Alipay CNY

Rate: 13.18781763: 1

Amount *

Reserve:  1744292.13

Alipay account * *
Icon currency take
Account NAME * *
Icon currency take
E-mail * *

What You Need to Top Up Alipay via Sberbank

Before starting the operation, make sure you have:

1. An active Alipay account. To set this up, you need to register in the Alipay app with your phone number.

2. A Sberbank account or card with the mobile banking app enabled.

3. A reliable exchange service that accepts payments through Sberbank and supports Alipay transactions.

Step-by-Step Guide to Topping Up Alipay via Sberbank

Step 1: Choose an Exchange Service

To transfer money through Sberbank, you will need an intermediary, as Russian banks cannot directly fund Alipay accounts. A trusted exchange service, such as BTCChange24, can assist you with this operation.

Visit the exchange service's website.

Ensure that it supports the direction "Sberbank → Alipay".

Check reviews and the service's reputation to ensure reliability.

Step 2: Create a Request

1. On the exchange service's website, select the exchange direction "Sberbank → Alipay".

2. Enter the amount you wish to transfer.

3. Provide your Alipay account details:

This is usually the phone number registered with your Alipay account.

Some services may also require your unique Alipay ID.

Step 3: Transfer Funds Using the Sberbank App

1. After creating your request, the exchange service will provide you with the transfer details. These may include:

A recipient card number.

An account number.

2. Open the Sberbank Online app.

3. Choose your transfer method:

Transfer to a card.

4. Enter the amount to be transferred.

> Important! Double-check all the details before sending your payment. Any errors in the recipient's details may result in delays in processing your request.

Step 4: Wait for Funds to Be Credited to Alipay

Once the transfer is complete, the exchange service will process your request. Funds are usually credited within 10 minutes.

After the transaction is completed, check your Alipay account balance.

You will receive a notification confirming the funds have been credited.

Tips for Safely Topping Up Alipay via Sberbank

1. Use only trusted exchange services.
Pay attention to ratings and reviews to avoid scams.

2. Do not share confidential information.
Never disclose your passwords or card details to third parties.

3. Keep receipts.
Save the receipt or a screenshot of your transfer in the Sberbank app in case of disputes.

4. Check rates and fees.
Before starting the transaction, find out the current exchange rate and any fees to avoid unexpected costs.

Topping up Alipay via Sberbank is a simple and convenient process when you use a reliable exchange service. By following the steps outlined above, you can safely transfer money and take full advantage of Alipay’s features. If you have any questions, contact the support team of your chosen exchange service for assistance.

Now that you know how to top up Alipay via Sberbank, you can confidently complete transactions and enjoy the convenience of using one of the world's best payment systems.