Exchange Tether USDT (TRC20) to T-bank (Tinkoff) RUB

This operation is performed manually.

Applications are processed during service business hours. Applications received outside of business hours are processed in the morning

The course is fixed for 1 hour. Crediting to our account occurs after we receive 20 confirmations of the transaction by the Tether Tron (TRC20) network.

Deposit time: Usually, 97% of withdrawal payments are processed within 10 minutes, but sometimes applications can take up to 30-60 minutes to process. In rare cases, the transfer may take 72 hours due to the speed at which the recipient bank processes the payment. Sometimes a withdrawal for one application occurs in several transactions.


Icon currency take

Tether TRC20 USDT

Amount *

Min:  559.26


Max:  2033.66


Icon currency give

T-bank (Tinkoff) RUB

Rate: 1: 96.8

Amount *

Reserve:  18548351.14

ФИО владельца * *
Icon currency take
СБП 89000000 * *
Icon currency take
Номер карты *
Icon currency take
E-mail * *

How to Quickly Exchange USDT to a Tinkoff Card

Cryptocurrency is becoming increasingly popular every day. This is especially relevant for international transfers, as it avoids large fees, bypasses sanctions, and avoids other potential issues. The most popular option for transactions is the use of stablecoins, such as USDT (Tether). This cryptocurrency is relatively easy to exchange. For example, you can withdraw USDT to Tinkoff using our exchange service.

How to Withdraw USDT to Tinkoff?

Exchanging USDT to a Tinkoff card is quite simple. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Provide your cryptocurrency wallet address.

  2. Enter the amount you wish to exchange.

  3. Provide your card details.

  4. Transfer the funds from your wallet to the address provided by the service.

  5. Wait for the transfer to be verified and the exchange to be completed.

Usually, withdrawing USDT TRC20 to Tinkoff takes just 10-15 minutes. In rare cases, it may take a bit longer if additional AML checks are required.

How Much USDT Tether Can Be Exchanged to Rubles at Tinkoff?

The available amount for exchange depends on the reserve of the exchange service at the time of the transaction. The maximum amount per transaction is 900,000 rubles.

However, you can perform an unlimited number of transactions within the available reserve of the exchange service. Therefore, you can withdraw USDT to a Tinkoff card without any restrictions, provided the amount does not exceed the reserve.

What is the Exchange Rate for USDT to Tinkoff?

Cryptocurrency rates change regularly, so it is impossible to provide an exact rate. Our exchange service continuously monitors all changes, and the exchange rates are updated every minute based on the quotes from major exchanges.

You can be assured that you will be able to exchange cryptocurrency to Tinkoff rubles at the best rate.

Is it Safe to Exchange USDT to Rubles in Tinkoff?

Dozens of websites offer USDT TRC20 to Tinkoff exchanges, but clients often face high fees and the risk of encountering scammers. Our exchange service has been operating for several years and has earned users' trust.

Additionally, we cooperate with major crypto exchange monitoring services, providing certain guarantees for every user.

Why Choose Our Exchange Service?

On our platform, you can exchange USDT to a Tinkoff card under the best conditions:

  • Rates matching those of leading exchanges;

  • Fast transaction processing;

  • 24/7 exchange availability;

  • Full confidentiality;

  • 24/7 support for every user;

  • AML verification system for the security of your funds;

  • Anonymous exchange, no additional verifications or personal data required;

  • The ability to further reduce fees by registering in the system and joining the loyalty program.

These are just a few of the main advantages that every user gets when using our exchange service. All you need to do to withdraw USDT TRC20 to Tinkoff is to submit a request on the website and make a transfer. In just 15 minutes, you’ll receive the funds in rubles on your card.

You can also make an exchange on our website Tether TRC20 USDT to Sberbank.