Exchange Tether TON USDT to T-bank (Tinkoff) RUB  

This operation is performed manually.

Applications are processed during service business hours. Applications received outside of business hours are processed in the morning

The course is fixed for 1 hour. Crediting to our account occurs after we receive 20 confirmations of the transaction by the Tether Ton (TON) network.

Deposit time: Usually, 97% of withdrawal payments are processed within 10 minutes, but sometimes applications can take up to 30-60 minutes to process. In rare cases, the transfer may take 72 hours due to the speed at which the recipient bank processes the payment. Sometimes a withdrawal for one application occurs in several transactions.


Icon currency take


Amount *

Min:  560.78


Max:  2039.19


Icon currency give

T-bank (Tinkoff) RUB

Rate: 1: 96.8

Amount *

Reserve:  18548351.14

ФИО владельца * *
Icon currency take
СБП 89000000 * *
Icon currency take
Номер карты *
Icon currency take
E-mail * *

Exchanging Tether USDT TON to Tinkoff: Convenience, Profitability, Reliability

With the development of cryptocurrency technologies, exchange operations are becoming increasingly in demand. If you want to exchange Tether USDT on the TON network to a Tinkoff card, this process has become simple and accessible through our exchange service.

How to Exchange Tether USDT on the TON Network to Tinkoff

There are only two simple steps that will help you successfully complete this operation:

1. Select the exchange direction: In our exchanger's interface, choose the exchange direction Tether TON USDT to rubles with withdrawal to Tinkoff (Tinkoff T-Bank). This is the key step where you need to specify the exchange amount, your Tinkoff card details, and other necessary information.

2. Transfer USDT TON. Send the cryptocurrency to us, and the funds will be credited to your bank account within 5-10 minutes.

Benefits of Exchanging Tether USDT on the TON Network to Rubles

This exchange operation offers several key benefits:

1. Favorable exchange rate: Our service offers the best exchange rates for USDT TON to Tinkoff, allowing our clients to receive the most advantageous conditions.

2. Fast transaction: The exchange process takes only a few minutes, making it convenient for users who want to quickly receive money on their card.

3. Security: Our exchange services guarantee security at all stages of the transaction through data encryption and the use of trusted platforms.

Profitable Exchange of USDT (TON) to Tinkoff

To exchange USDT (TON) to Tinkoff at a favorable rate, we recommend monitoring the current exchange rates on our website and choosing the best conditions for cryptocurrency conversion. We offer competitive rates that will ensure you the best exchange with minimal commission losses.

24/7 Support: We Are Always Here

Our support service operates 24/7. You can contact us at any time with questions or requests for assistance.

Our team is ready to help with any questions—from transaction details to technical issues. We understand that unexpected situations may arise in cryptocurrencies, and we are always here to resolve them. Your peace of mind is our priority.


Transferring Tether USDT TON to a Tinkoff card is a proven and straightforward way to exchange cryptocurrency for rubles. Our exchange service offers a simple exchange process, favorable rates, and instant withdrawal to your card. Selling TON USDT with us means making a fast and reliable exchange.

You can also make an exchange on our website Tether USDT Ton to Sberbank.