This operation is performed manually.
Applications are processed during service business hours. Applications received outside of business hours are processed in the morning
The course is fixed for 1 hour. Crediting to our account occurs after we receive 32 confirmations of the transaction by the Tether Ethereum (ERC20) network.
Deposit time: Usually, 97% of withdrawal payments are processed within 10 minutes, but sometimes applications can take up to 30-60 minutes to process. In rare cases, the transfer may take 72 hours due to the speed at which the recipient bank processes the payment. Sometimes a withdrawal for one application occurs in several transactions.
Tether ERC20 USDT
Min: 559.84
Max: 2035.75
T-bank (Tinkoff) RUB
Rate: 1: 96.8
Reserve: 18548351.14
How to Easily and Safely Exchange Tether USDT ERC20 to Tinkoff Card The world of cryptocurrency is evolving at a rapid pace, and, as many of us have noticed, exchanging digital assets into fiat currency can sometimes be stressful. We understand your concerns. This is why we strive to make the process of exchanging USDT ERC20 to a Tinkoff card as simple and secure as possible. Why Choose USDT ERC20 and Tinkoff Card? We know that you value not only the stability of your assets but also low fees and transaction speed. Tether (USDT) on the Ethereum blockchain (ERC20) is one of the most reliable stablecoins on the market, gaining popularity due to its peg to the US dollar. You might be wondering: why choose Tinkoff? The answer is simple — a Tinkoff card offers fast and convenient fund transfers with no extra fees or delays. How to Exchange Tether USDT ERC20 to a Tinkoff Card? We care about your time and want the exchange process to be simple and clear: 1. Select the amount to exchange. Enter how much USDT ERC20 you want to convert into rubles.2. Enter your Tinkoff card details. Don't worry, it's secure and confidential. We will immediately show you the amount you will receive.3. Confirm the exchange. We know how important it is to receive your funds quickly, so they will be credited to your card within a few minutes. Why Our Service is the Right Choice? 1. We value transparency. You always see the exact amount that will be credited to your card. No hidden fees.2. We help you save. Our service offers competitive rates to ensure your costs are minimal.3. We speed up the process. We understand that waiting for your money can be frustrating, so we ensure that withdrawing USDT ERC20 to a Tinkoff card happens as quickly as possible.4. We care about your security. All transactions are protected, and your data is securely encrypted to eliminate unnecessary risks. Frequently Asked Questions - How do I exchange USDT ERC20 to a Tinkoff card? Simply select the amount and enter your card details. We will process the transaction within minutes, and if any questions arise, our support team is always ready to help. - What is the exchange rate for USDT ERC20 to a Tinkoff card? We offer the most up-to-date exchange rate in real-time, so you always get the best deal. - Are there any exchange fees? Yes, but we aim to keep them as low as possible, allowing you to save money. You will always see the exact fee before confirming the transaction and can make an informed decision about the exchange. We Understand Your Needs When it comes to your finances, it's essential to feel confident in every transaction. We understand this and work to make the exchange process as comfortable and secure as possible. We are here for you at every step, helping you manage your digital assets with confidence and ease. Conclusion Our exchange service is designed for those who value security and time. We strive to provide you with the best solution for exchanging USDT ERC20 to a Tinkoff card, ensuring that you receive your funds quickly and without unnecessary hassle. You can also make an exchange on our website Tether USDT ERC20 on Sberbank.