This operation is performed manually.
Applications are processed during service business hours. Applications received outside of business hours are processed in the morning
The rate will be finally fixed after we receive 10 confirmations of the transaction by the Monero network. Fixation is made depending on the deviation of the exchange rate in the application to the Exchange as a percentage. Deviations from the Exchange rate within the course of the course parser are possible within 1-2 minutes.
Deposit time: Usually, 97% of withdrawal payments are processed within 10 minutes, but sometimes applications can take up to 30-60 minutes to process. In rare cases, the transfer may take 72 hours due to the speed at which the recipient bank processes the payment. Sometimes a withdrawal for one application occurs in several transactions.
Monero XMR
Min: 2.130148
Max: 8.520589
Sberbank RUB
Rate: 1: 23010.678416
Reserve: 11052955.24
Exchange Monero for Rubles: Convenient and Secure The cryptocurrency Monero (XMR) is valued for its privacy and data protection features. If you're looking for a simple and secure way to exchange Monero for rubles and transfer the funds to your Sberbank card or another bank, our exchange service is exactly what you need. Why Choose Us? We aim to make the Monero exchange process as quick and straightforward as possible. With us, you can:- Instantly receive rubles on your card — transactions take just a few minutes (on average 5–10 minutes after the cryptocurrency is credited to our wallet).- Feel secure — all operations are protected by the latest security technologies.- Enjoy ease of use — withdrawing Monero to a Sberbank card is hassle-free. Exchange Monero with Minimal Costs We understand the importance of competitive rates and low fees. That’s why we offer excellent conditions for exchanging Monero for rubles. How the Monero to Rubles Conversion Works Exchanging Monero with us involves just a few simple steps:1. Select the desired operation on our website.2. Enter the amount of Monero you want to exchange.3. Choose the card where you want to receive the rubles.4. Confirm the transaction and send the cryptocurrency to the specified address.5. In just a few minutes, the funds will appear in your account. Security is Our Priority Thousands of clients trust us because security is the cornerstone of our service. Your data and funds are protected by advanced encryption technologies. We guarantee that every transaction is confidential and secure. Competitive Exchange Rates We constantly monitor the market to offer you the best terms for Monero transactions. Our clients always benefit from favorable Monero-to-ruble exchange rates and minimal fees. Your Ideal Choice **Our exchange service** guarantees speed, security, and the most favorable conditions. We strive to make every exchange quick and easy. You simply choose the transaction, and we ensure that the funds are transferred to your Sberbank card or another bank in the shortest time possible.
You can also make an exchange on our website Monero to Tinkoff.