Exchange Circle USDC (ERC20) to T-bank (Tinkoff) RUB

This operation is performed manually.

Applications are processed during service business hours. Applications received outside of business hours are processed in the morning

The rate will be finally fixed after we receive 32 confirmations of the transaction by the USDC Ethereum (ERC20)-network. Fixation is made depending on the deviation of the exchange rate in the application to the Exchange as a percentage. Deviations from the Exchange rate within the course of the course parser are possible within 1-2 minutes.

Deposit time: Usually, 97% of withdrawal payments are processed within 10 minutes, but sometimes applications can take up to 30-60 minutes to process. In rare cases, the transfer may take 72 hours due to the speed at which the recipient bank processes the payment. Sometimes a withdrawal for one application occurs in several transactions.


Icon currency take

Circle ERC20 USDC

Amount *

Min:  510.34


Max:  2041.34


Icon currency give

T-bank (Tinkoff) RUB

Rate: 1: 96.40354588

Amount *

Reserve:  18548351.14

ФИО владельца * *
Icon currency take
СБП 89000000 * *
Icon currency take
Номер карты *
Icon currency take
E-mail * *

How to Quickly Exchange Circle USDC to Tinkoff

Every day, more and more people prefer to use cryptocurrency, especially when it comes to international transfers. With such exchanges, you won't have to pay high fees, bypass sanctions, or deal with other unexpected issues. One of the most popular exchanges is USDC, as it is incredibly straightforward once you understand the process. For example, if you are planning to exchange USDC for rubles using our exchange platform, choosing the right exchange is a crucial step since it determines how profitable and efficient the procedure will be.

USDC to Tinkoff Withdrawal Process

To convert USDT to rubles, you need to follow a few simple steps:

1. First, specify your cryptocurrency wallet.

2. Enter the amount you wish to exchange.

3. Provide your card or wallet details.

4. Complete the transfer. You need to transfer the funds from your personal wallet to the one provided by the service.

5. Wait for the transaction to be verified and completed.

Most often, it takes no more than 10-15 minutes to withdraw USDC to a card. However, in rare cases, it might take longer. This can be due to additional AML (Anti-Money Laundering) checks required to verify the funds.

What Amounts Are Available for Exchange?

The amounts available for exchange are determined by the USDT exchange platform, depending on the exchange’s reserve at the time of the transaction. However, you should also keep in mind that the maximum amount for a single operation is 900,000 rubles.

At the same time, there are no limits on the number of transactions, as long as they fit within the exchange’s available reserve. Therefore, if you decide to sell USDC for Tinkoff, you can do so on our platform without restrictions, as long as the amount doesn’t exceed the reserve.

Cryptocurrency exchange rates fluctuate regularly, so it is impossible to provide an exact rate. However, the exchange platform we recommend continuously tracks rates, updating the information every minute based on major exchange listings. This ensures that clients can confidently exchange cryptocurrency for rubles at the most favorable rates.

Reliable and Trusted Exchange Platform

By choosing our exchange, all clients benefit from the following favorable conditions:

- The exchange rate aligns with the most reputable market exchanges.

- Transactions are processed quickly, with 24/7 exchange availability.

- Full confidentiality is guaranteed, and support is provided for every user.

- The exchange is anonymous, requiring no additional steps or verification.

By choosing our platform, you can be confident that your exchange transactions will be fast and conducted with the highest level of security.

You can also make an exchange on our website Circle USDC ERC20 on Sberbank