Exchange Georgian Lari (GEL) to T-bank (Tinkoff) (RUB)     

This direction requires verification of the account Bank transfer GEL

This operation is performed manually.

Applications are processed during service business hours. Applications received outside of business hours are processed in the morning.

Deposit time: Usually, 97% of withdrawal payments are processed within 15 minutes, but sometimes applications can take up to 30-60 minutes to process. In rare cases, the transfer may take 72 hours due to the speed at which the recipient bank processes the payment. Sometimes a withdrawal for one application occurs in several transactions.


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Bank transfer GEL

Amount *

Min:  800.00


Max:  10000.00

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Card number
Icon currency take
Bank Name
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Account Name
Icon currency take


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T-bank (Tinkoff) RUB

Rate: 1: 31.8214

Amount *

Reserve:  18548351.14

ФИО владельца * *
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СБП 89000000 * *
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Номер карты *
Icon currency take
E-mail * *

Exchange Georgian Lari (GEL) to T-bank (RUB): It's Very Simple

Imagine a seamless, pleasant financial exchange. No hassle, no worries—just confidence and stability. BTCChange24 has made the process straightforward, transparent, and convenient, eliminating unnecessary concerns for the customer.

Customer Benefit is Our Priority

Currency rates fluctuate constantly. On our website,, you can catch the best moments for exchange since the system offers real-time, up-to-date rates for lari to rubles with no hidden pitfalls.

How to Turn Currency Exchange into Pleasure

We value simplicity. The process of conversion is easy, effortless, and leaves you with a sense of satisfaction. Exchanging lari for rubles through BTCChange24 is as simple as:

1. Select the direction of the exchange: lari to T-bank.


2. Enter the amount to exchange.

3. Confirm your request, make a payment to our service, and rubles will appear on your T-bank card within minutes after we receive the funds.

Transparent, fast, and convenient.

Why Choose BTCChange24? We Are Your Guides in Digital Comfort

Best Rates. Your money deserves maximum value.

Speed. Instant transfers without delays.

Trust. Every client is a friend, and we strive to offer the best for each of you.

Your T-bank and Georgian Lari: A Harmonious Connection

For those who value banking, BTCChange24 is the perfect solution. We’ve made transferring lari to a T-bank card so easy that all you need to do is enjoy the result.

BTCChange24 – The Art of Exchange

We aim to create the best experience for you. Currency exchange is not just about numbers—it’s about confidence, the joy of transparency, and reliable support always by your side.

Transparency. See everything clearly and honestly.

Integrity. We build relationships based on trust.

24/7 Support. We’re ready to assist you anytime.

Act Now

The current lari-to-ruble rate is your chance for a profitable exchange. Take the first step, and we’ll take care of the rest.

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BTCChange24 is your assistant, partner, and trusted choice. We’re ready to make currency exchange simple and enjoyable.

Contact our Telegram bot @btcchange24_bot or visit the website.

We are here to ensure your exchange operations bring peace of mind, confidence, and comfort.

Popular Exchange Pairs:

Visa / Mastercard GEL to Sberbank RUB